Generating Asteroids
The magic of real-time rendering in games
Text rendering in MonoGame
Roy-T.AStar, a NuGet package for A* path finding
Installing XNA 4 under Visual Studio 2017
Conversion to Jekyll
Customizable Touch-Friendly TimePicker Clock for WPF
BitBucket Account
Graduation, Jobs, Roslyn
Codesnippet, Poor man's benchmark, or quickly timing things in C#
2D Lighting and Shadows Preview
Building SDL on Windows for use with Haskell / Cabal
LUA Syntax highlighting in Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 (Preview)
Internship at Abbey Games
Darkest of Games
A Self Balancing Creature
Post-Complement Color Grading
GPU Based Path Tracer
Presentation, High Quality Adaptive Soft Shadow Mapping
55 months of blogging, some statistics