Code snippet, XNA Simple ArcBallCamera (Updated)
Code snippet, converting keyboard input to text in XNA
Mouse position in 3D, snippet
Collision avoidance, path finding and smooth following, 3D snippet (C#/XNA)
Swarm Like collision avoidance, path finding and smooth following
Algorithms and Data Structures (thoughts, link for .Netters, and free e-book)
SpaceAce, planetary gravity and solar system simmulation
Project Specs OOAD/iterative development style
Quick Tips, C# inline event handlers and Reordering method / constructor parameters
Computermanagement software
Review, NDepend
New Version A* pathfinding in 3D
A* 3D update
Upcoming A* pathfinding in 2D and 3D code updated
Sending objects via high speed asynchronous sockets in C# (Serialization + Socket programming)
Configuring Cygwin C/C++ compiler for Netbeans 6.5 (under Windows)
Fun with stored procedures, insert only if unique. (Transact-SQL/MS SQL)
Book review, Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 and my reasons for reading it!
The horrors of Umbraco 4.0.0
Implementing A* path finding in C# (and XNA), source-code (can we cut the corner?)