Traversal algorithms using yield
Wrapping effect files into proper classes
An example of the ref keyword in C# (for structs and classes)
Deferred Rendering in XNA4.0 Source Code
Code snippet, EventLog wrapper
Codesnippet, handy input manager
Custom XML Serialization in C#
Second place on the SgtConker XNA tutorial contest
XNA, Proxyclasses to 'Serialize' assets using the IntermediateSerializer
XNA Farseer platformer physics tutorial
Hollandia progress report
XNA, Accessing ContentManager and GraphicsDevice anywhere anytime, the GameServiceContainer
Hollandia and Farseer physics
XNA, Preventing starvation/underflow when moving 2D objects slower than 1 pixel per frame
XNA XML ContentImporter
More A* improvements
Serialization, BLOB, INI, XML and JSON
Immediate GUIs in XNA, Scrollbars
Immediate GUIs in XNA, Setup and a button
Getting the Left, Forward and Back vectors from a View Matrix directly