Code snippet, XNA Simple ArcBallCamera (Updated)
Update 23-2-2010: Today I’ve updated the source code of the arcball camera, I made some small changes and added two helper methods for moving the camera right and forward as seen from the camera’s perspective. I’ve also changed the Position prop to be read only and show the real position of the camera instead of the relative position. I’ve also added a zoom property which can now be used instead of setting position, making this a truer ArcBallCamera and fixing a few small glitches when having a lookAt not at Vector3.Zero. (The LookAt is now truly the center of attention, changing the lookAt will also change the position of the camera.) Enjoy!
Today I was struggling with all different sorts of ArcBall/Rotating/Quaternion cameras to create a camera that could simple rotate around an object. I found a sample on xnawiki, but that didn’t seem to work (I still dont know why). In the end I ended up creating my own class.
Note that you never need an Update method for a camera, with one or two booleans you can track if something changed and only then recalculate your matrices the next time they are accessed. This saves you a lot of cpu cycles, because instead of every frame (60x per second) you only recalculate these matrices when you move the camera or change another camera property. In a lot of games this will be a lot less then 60x per second.
Special thanks to Gorion for the winning tip, when I got a bit stuck (my rotation order was flawed), sony` for spotting that the Quaternion was unneeded, and X-Tatic for helping me with the MoveCameraRight method.
Anyway the code:
public class ArcBallCamera
public ArcBallCamera(float aspectRation, Vector3 lookAt)
: this(aspectRation, MathHelper.PiOver4, lookAt, Vector3.Up, 0.1f, float.MaxValue) { }
public ArcBallCamera(float aspectRatio, float fieldOfView, Vector3 lookAt, Vector3 up, float nearPlane, float farPlane)
this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
this.fieldOfView = fieldOfView;
this.lookAt = lookAt;
this.nearPlane = nearPlane;
this.farPlane = farPlane;
/// <summary>
/// Recreates our view matrix, then signals that the view matrix
/// is clean.
/// </summary>
private void ReCreateViewMatrix()
//Calculate the relative position of the camera
position = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Backward, Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, 0));
//Convert the relative position to the absolute position
position *= zoom;
position += lookAt;
//Calculate a new viewmatrix
viewMatrix = Matrix.CreateLookAt(position, lookAt, Vector3.Up);
viewMatrixDirty = false;
/// <summary>
/// Recreates our projection matrix, then signals that the projection
/// matrix is clean.
/// </summary>
private void ReCreateProjectionMatrix()
projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(MathHelper.PiOver4, AspectRatio, nearPlane , farPlane);
projectionMatrixDirty = false;
#region HelperMethods
/// <summary>
/// Moves the camera and lookAt at to the right,
/// as seen from the camera, while keeping the same height
/// </summary>
public void MoveCameraRight(float amount)
Vector3 right = Vector3.Normalize(LookAt - Position); //calculate forward
right = Vector3.Cross(right, Vector3.Up); //calculate the real right
right.Y = 0;
LookAt += right * amount;
/// <summary>
/// Moves the camera and lookAt forward,
/// as seen from the camera, while keeping the same height
/// </summary>
public void MoveCameraForward(float amount)
Vector3 forward = Vector3.Normalize(LookAt - Position);
forward.Y = 0;
LookAt += forward * amount;
#region FieldsAndProperties
//We don't need an update method because the camera only needs updating
//when we change one of it's parameters.
//We keep track if one of our matrices is dirty
//and reacalculate that matrix when it is accesed.
private bool viewMatrixDirty = true;
private bool projectionMatrixDirty = true;
public float MinPitch = -MathHelper.PiOver2 + 0.3f;
public float MaxPitch = MathHelper.PiOver2 - 0.3f;
private float pitch;
public float Pitch
get { return pitch; }
viewMatrixDirty = true;
pitch = MathHelper.Clamp(value, MinPitch, MaxPitch);
private float yaw;
public float Yaw
get { return yaw; }
viewMatrixDirty = true;
yaw = value;
private float fieldOfView;
public float FieldOfView
get { return fieldOfView; }
projectionMatrixDirty = true;
fieldOfView = value;
private float aspectRatio;
public float AspectRatio
get { return aspectRatio; }
projectionMatrixDirty = true;
aspectRatio = value;
private float nearPlane;
public float NearPlane
get { return nearPlane; }
projectionMatrixDirty = true;
nearPlane = value;
private float farPlane;
public float FarPlane
get { return farPlane; }
projectionMatrixDirty = true;
farPlane = value;
public float MinZoom = 1;
public float MaxZoom = float.MaxValue;
private float zoom = 1;
public float Zoom
get { return zoom; }
viewMatrixDirty = true;
zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(value, MinZoom, MaxZoom);
private Vector3 position;
public Vector3 Position
if (viewMatrixDirty)
return position;
private Vector3 lookAt;
public Vector3 LookAt
get { return lookAt; }
viewMatrixDirty = true;
lookAt = value;
#region ICamera Members
public Matrix ViewProjectionMatrix
get {return ViewMatrix * ProjectionMatrix; }
private Matrix viewMatrix;
public Matrix ViewMatrix
if (viewMatrixDirty)
return viewMatrix;
private Matrix projectionMatrix;
public Matrix ProjectionMatrix
if (projectionMatrixDirty)
return projectionMatrix;
- roytries
- roy-t
- roytri