To keep everything nice and tidy I was hoping for some feature in Wordpress to allow me to instert C# (or any style) code nicely. But wordpress wont even remember the indenting makeing everything gibberish unless I manually add spaces instead of tabs.

Many people use the <pre> tag but after some whining at the forums there is an actual function that does syntax highlighting and everything if you spell it exactly right.

Fill in your code between: {sourcecode language=’cshar’} … {/sourcecode} but replace the ‘{‘ and  ‘}’ by the standard brackets ‘[’ and ‘]’. This works really nicely like here below.

public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string source = richTextSource.Text;
            textOutput.Text = source;

The FAQ item can be found here Special thanks to user ‘a sacred path’